Publication Process
Send the completed paper by email to Manuscripts submitted for publication must be original and not under consideration by any other publication. If a paper has been presented at a meeting or conference, the author should state where and when the paper was presented. All authors will be required to sign a consent-to-publish form upon acceptance.
Manuscripts submitted are processed as follows: The staff initially reviews the manuscript; if the manuscript does not fall within the scope of the Symposium or is not formatted correctly, it will be returned to the author.
If a manuscript is in accord with the guidelines, an email acknowledgement is sent to the author. All references to the author’s name and affiliation are to be removed, and the manuscript is required to be submitted for blind review by academics with knowledge of the academic field within which the manuscript is categorized. With the advice of the reviewers, the Symposium Editor will make one of four decisions: accept, accept contingent upon revision, revise and resubmit, or reject.
Please review Author Guidelines prior to submission.
For more information or to submit a manuscript, please visit the Journal of Academic Perspectives website or contact:
The symposium has working arrangements for publication for both book companies and academic journals. The academic journals are indexed, abstracted and recorded in Academic OneFile, ArticleFirst, Australian Education Index, Biography Index, Book Review Digest Plus, Contents Pages in Education, Current Abstracts, Current Law Index, EBSCO, EconLit, Education Abstracts, Education Full Text, Education Index Retrospective, Education Research Complete, Educational Administration Abstracts, Educational Research Abstracts Online, Educator’s Reference Complete, Electronic Collections Online, ERIC, Gale Cengage, General OneFile, Higher Education Abstracts, InfoTrac Custom, Journal of Economic Literature, LegalTrac, Scopus, Sociology of Education Abstracts, TOC Premier, Vocational Education & Training Abstracts, Wilson OmniFile: Full-Text Mega Edition, and Wilson OmniFile: Full Text Select.
The Symposium is an independent, not-for-profit, organisation held in the city of Oxford at a constituent college of the University of Oxford. The meeting is held at a college site recommended by Conference Oxford. The Symposium is not a degree-granting institution and does not have a formal academical connection with the University of Oxford.